
Tuesday, 17 May 2011

#TheGallery: Moustachioed

Apparently Tara is passing the blame for this week's theme on Laura at Are We Nearly There Yet Mummy? who apparently has a moustache obsession. Yes I have seen evidence of this! Now she is luring is in with a potential prize of a mobile camera so I feel I need to give it a good go with one of the least flattering photos of me ever taken:

It was Christmas 2008 and my mum brought one of those giant crackers which had lots of silly things in it to make you look particularly stupid! After a few glasses of Christmas wine it seemed like a good idea to pose for photographs... My dad joined in the fun too:

After these embarrassing photos I do hope Laura picks me to win! Pretty please xxx


  1. I think the teeth really complete the look

  2. very funny. I'm not sure what I like bets the nose, the teeth or the moustache

  3. Looks like you had a fantastic time. Great fun pics
    Keith aka Reluctant Housedad

  4. Ha ha! Those are fantastic tache pictures!

    Herding Cats x

  5. Thank goodness crackers give us a reason to be silly. Love your Dad's face and your nose and teeth.
    My Dad joined in the fun too at


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