
Monday, 16 May 2011

Haba Toys: DIY Benny

This is the third of the Haba toys my family and I have been sent to review. For the technical details please look here

The kit comes in a tough cardboard toolbox which looks pretty robust. The box contains quite a comprehensive little tool set (saw, screwdriver, spanner, hammer and drill):

My son's favourite was the drill which you can pull a handle on the back of and it vibrates like a real drill:

All the tools are covered in a soft velour which makes them a lot safer for younger users. I know from experience that small boys tend to turn just about anything into a weapon but it wouldn't hurt too much if one of these hit you. 

At 4.5 my son enjoyed playing with this for a while but hasn't asked to play with it again as he isn't majorly into this particular kind of role play. There isn't much serious DIY done in our home and he hasn't got a daddy around to copy. If you had a 2 - 3 year old who was keen on being a builder this would be a great and safe way to start them off.

I like the way that is neatly contained in the case and it looks like it would stand up to heavy usage by a toddler. Once they get a bit older the tool kit would be a bit more limited as the soft tips can't do as much as hard plastic or wood ones. 

Update: we passed this on to my friend's 1 year old son and apparently he absolutely loves it!

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