
Friday, 20 May 2011

#FlashbackFriday The good old days!

Sorry I haven't joined in for a while and couldn't post last week with Blogger going down! Lat week one of my oldest (we've known each other 27 years!) friends discovered how to use her scanner and posted this on Facebook:

It was taken back in 1995 well before any of us had children and we were still only 24! Five years before we had written notes guessing where we would all be and what we would be doing in 5 and then 10 years time. None of us admit to remembering what was revealed but I don't think much of it was accurate! Shame the 5th girl from our group was taking the shot so isn't in it.

This is the same group of buddies taken a couple of years ago at my friend's hen night:

Do you think we've changed much? Now click on the logo at the top to see what other people have beeb remembering this week.


  1. Thats lovely that you are all still in touch- you can't beat having amazing friends! xx

  2. old friends are always the best. I have lots of lovely friends and have great fun with them, but when I'm with the old gang I usually feel sick with laughter.

  3. What lovely pics - and a great testament to a friendship. There is nothing like old friends, most of my gang have scattered across the globe, so I have loads of new friends, but it makes me value the old friends even more.

  4. I have friends from school,that I am still very close with even now - the type of friends who are there for each other no matter what. means so much doesn't it? So lovely you have the same friendships.
    Both photos are lovely :)

  5. I could instantly tell who was who in the two shots! it's lovely you have all been friends for so long as well :-) x

  6. Love the "before" and "after" photos, you all look great.


I love it when people leave a message