
Tuesday, 3 May 2011

April Personal Challenge - the follow up!

First of all let me admit that I had forgotten about my April Personal Challenge post until Carole commented asking me if I'd succeeded!! This of course does not bode well for my first month of joining in with the challenge...


This is how I've done:
  1. Loose half a stone - FAILED - not even sure I lost any
  2. Get up earlier to exercise - er not very often!
  3. Make my bedroom a haven - FAILED - but the kids room looks a lot better
Well what's my excuse? Can I blame the almost never ending school Easter holidays? Certainly being at home with the kids for nearly 3 weeks was not good for my diet, exercising or housework! So maybe my goals weren't as SMART as I thought considering the fact that April is not a normal month...

So I need to think up something new for May and see if I can manage it this time... Click on the logo and see how everyone else has got on - hopefully more successful than me!


  1. Hehehe oops!! Don't worry I failed the challenges I set myself in February AND March (apart from the 'have a baby' one but that was sort of cheating because it was inevitable lol).

  2. not sure I'd count having a baby as cheating ;-) Need to think hard over night for next challenge..


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