
Saturday, 19 March 2011

Surname Saturday: Brading

My great grandmother was Margaret Amy BRADING (1885-1975) and it is through her that I have my Isle of Wight connection traced back to far until the 1480s:

Surname Origins:

The surname most likely derives from the town of the same name on the Isle of Wight: Brading. The entry for this in the Oxford Names Companion states:

Brerdinges 683, Berardinz 1086 
"(settlement of) the dwellers on the hill-side"
Old English brerd + -ingas


Brayding - Bradinge - Braydinge

My Ancestors:

These are my Brading ancestors in alphabetical order (the hyperlinks will take you to my tree elsewhere online):
George Brading (1818 - 1880)
George Brading (1850 - 1910)
John Brading (1487 - 1561)
John Brading (1510 - 1571)
Richard Brading (1562 - 1634)
Richard Brading (1590 - 1656)
Richard Brading (1631 - 1695)
Richard Brading (1660 - 1707)
Richard Brading (1685 - 1758)
Richard Brading (1714 - 1776)
Richard Brading (1753 - 1799)
Thomas Brading (1775 - 1856)

As you can see they didn't have a very original line in Christian names! I have a WikiTree showing just my direct line down from John.

My Bradings in History

Most of my Brading ancestors were masons and lived in Shorwell until the late 18th century  when they had moved to Ryde. George Brading (1818-c1880) was the first butcher and tradition which passed down until my great, great uncle George Brading who owned the butchers in Brading itself until the 1960s.

My great, great uncle Alex (Alexander Thomas Brading 1877-1962) fought at the Battle of Omdurman under General Kitchener. Another lancer at this battle was Winston Churchill.

This is my first post for Surname Saturday.

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