
Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Nintendo 3DS

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I had better keep my 7 year old away from this video or she will want one!!

Sharing propelled by Wikio

This is the latest version of the ever popular Ninentdo DS range. My daughter has been asking for her own handheld console for a while and has been promised one for her birthday later this year (will be her only present from myself and the grandparents!). 

Have to admit this does look very cool. Maybe if I do enough sponsored posts on here then I will be able to afford one!

1 comment:

  1. My 8 year old has his name down for one, with a deposit on it already. He is saving his Christmas money and his birthday is coming up soon and will have more money then. I will show him this video clip later, he will be delighted to see it, thank you :) Jen


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