
Friday, 4 February 2011

Fitness Friday: Week 6

I was pleasantly surprised to get a result of 3lb down for the last 2 weeks when I went to my weigh at Rosemary Conley yesterday! I obviously hadn't been as bad as I thought...

I didn't stick very well to the Solo Slim menu plan this week. Lots of comfort eating but I must have somehow balanced out my calorie intake to lose weight!

Most of the week my ear problems prevented more than brisk walking but I did manage a mostly level 3 session at my class yesterday. It felt really good to workout enough to get hot and sweaty!

Plans for next week

It's going to be an interesting few days ahead when it comes to food as I am eating away from home on 4 of the next 5 days several of which are in pubs! So its going to be a case of choosing wisely and planning ahead with breakfasts that aren't high calorie but don't leave me starving. I also need to be selective when choosing from any menu.

I am going to phase exercise back in as I don't want to set myself back again. It is also going to be hard to fit things in with a very full diary for the next 7 days. But if I want to carry on losing weight I have to find the time to exercise...

To see how everyone else is doing please click the logo above...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats. Just tried to read your post in tweigh challenge, 3 of us have posted in there today but I can't see the comments. Facebook must be flipping out! Anyway, contracts, u done so well x


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