
Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Moving forward in 2011

As part of my resolution to move on with my life in 2011 I have set up a new more professional blog over on Wordpress. I am putting together some IT and Family History tips to get myself back in the saddle for writing training material!

I am also looking into getting qualifications in teaching adults so if you can recommend any courses that I can take then please comment. If you have any burning IT or Family History questions drop me a line and I'll do my best to answer them on the other blog...

Moving on in 2011 :-)


  1. I keep pondering moving to wordpress, not sure if it's for me though. All seems a bit to techy for me! Good luck for 2011!

  2. For teaching 16+ check out a PTLLS course (Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector). You don't have to be teaching to gain the qualification.

    Also, you could consider becoming a an NVQ assessor. You do need to be assessing to get the A1 qualifcation but often the work can be sessional - as you visit learners in the workplace.

    If you have the right vocational skills you could be taken on by a local college who then train you. Always worth putting an application in.

    Good luck!!


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