
Thursday, 9 December 2010

Countdown to Christmas Day 9: Mince Pies

My dear readers I have been making a big sacrifice for today's edition of Christmas Countdown (can I blame Karin at Cafe Bebe for all the extra calories...?). Any way I've been sampling various mince pies to see which I think are yummiest. Of course the best mince pies in the world are made by my mum using my granny's top secret pastry recipe but sometimes you have to make do with shop bought!

I haven't tried all the available ones (that would be too piggy!) but over the last few weeks I've nibbled on a few. I started with Morrison's own deep fill mince pies and their lattice top ones. Very nice mince meat in each of them and the lattice ones were a lot lighter. Good value for money.

This weekend I moved on to trying Iceland's own deep fill:

My granny and I both enjoyed one with a coffee and mum munched one later. The next morning I had another with a coffee whilst writing Christmas cards. Very crumbly pasty and rather tasty. Think I preferred these over the Morrison's ones. They were especially nice with a bit of blue cheese!

Today I was rather naughty and sampled the Morrison's cafe mince pie which came with a rather generous serving of cream:

Think I may have drowned it a bit! Nice light pastry that didn't dissolve with all that cream. Nice tasty mincemeat too.

Someone has recommended the Aldi mince pie to me so I may have to continue my quest for this year's best shop mince pie.... If you have any suggestions as to which ones I should try next then please comment below... Until then the Iceland ones are my favourites so far.


  1. They are not from the shops but you have to try Starbucks mince pies. They are the best in my experience

  2. Thanks for linking to Festive Friday! I love your countdown to Christmas and this post has my tummy rumbling.

    I did edit your link because you'd linked your mince pies to your Thomas post! I hope that was alright? x

  3. thanks Christine - was being too quick to enter! hope not too many confused people got the original ;-)


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