
Tuesday, 2 November 2010

The Gallery: Show me the funny

Going to try and do better at joining each week on Tara's challenge! This week she wants to have giggle over our photo.... hope this one does the trick:

This was my daughter, then aged 5, making sure that she got her share of the sprouts! I don't know many young children that even like sprouts let alone get this possessive about them... she isn't such a big fan now but we'll see what happens at Christmas.


  1. Great picture :) my little man can't believe that "a kid put brussel sprout in their mouth" LOL x

  2. I'm a lover of brussel sprouts too. Don't know whether I'm THAT possessive over them though.

    Lovely picture, made me giggle :)

    Hannah x

  3. Super picture, really made me smile! :)


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