
Tuesday, 7 September 2010

New for old

There is far too much new stuff going on at the moment its exhausting!

New home

Still settling in and sorting out and it will be some weeks yet before I'm happy... Plus the amount of forms I have to fill in because of the change of address is phenomenal! We have got lovely friendly new neighbours to make us feel welcome.

New town

I am still learning where everything is and it is getting easier but there's always something else I need to find.

Daughter's new school

Think I was more nervous than she was today! She seems to have enjoyed day one let's hope it continues...

Son's new nursery

He is being phased in very slowly and is gagging to go as it has a super garden and lots of things to play with inside! The lack of routine until end of the month is very disruptive to us all.

Daughter's new Beaver colony

This is a mixed blessing - the continuity of being a Beaver is good - the later finish time of 7:45 is bad as I haven't worked out how not to take son with me!

Roll on the end of the month when everything will be less new and confusing and we can really relax and enjoy our new lives in the North West...


  1. That is an awful lot of new stuff! make sure you give yourself time to relax a bit too and take it all in!

  2. don't panic I am by doing things like the Mintfest & Westmorland Show ;-)


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