
Monday, 12 July 2010

Blog of Substance Award

The gorgeous Mrs L J Hall has nominated me for a Blog of Substance Award 

1) Give groveling gratitude filled thanks to the blogger who awarded you
2) Share your five word blogging philosophy
3) Nominate further bloggers of substance

The easy bit is the first one. It's lovely that such a fab blogger thinks I'm worthy of an award - so please go and check her blog out especially for support on getting through divorce and crappy ex husbands ;-)
So now the first of the hard ones my five word blogging philosophy:
  1. Release
  2. Sharing
  3. Caring
  4. Fun
  5. Community
Phew got that out of the way now to nominate some other lovely bloggers.... so many I could choose but many have been nominated already so here are a few that I really enjoy:

Over to you lovely ladies ;-)


I love it when people leave a message