
Monday, 17 May 2010

Do we pigeon hole our children early on?

This cartoon makes you think about the toys we get our kids:


  1. You should see Charlie with his sister's Baby Annabel. It's nurture, not nature!

  2. My son loves being "mummy" to his big sisters' Baby Borns! He gets funny looks pushing the buggy down the road...

  3. My boys tend to sneer at anything they deem to be 'for girls'. I hate it - it certainly doesn't come from me. I think that even if you manage to steer them away from gender stereotyping at home, they just pick it up when they go to school. Such a shame - it's so limiting for everyone - men and women.

  4. I just keep telling my 6 y o daughter that she can be what ever she wants to be when she grows up as all jobs are open to men & women!

    She is trying to decide between vet or zoologist and so loves playing with all those pets in my pocket which are so marketed at girls...

    3 y o son will play with dolls & dress up as princess but is also really into cars & trains..

  5. like my post said BG likes both 'boy' and 'girls' toys. Her new words this week is car, choo choo and brum brum

  6. Uh... yeah. My son is in engineering camp this week. 20 boys and 1 girl.

  7. I bet she comes out top as she has to work harder to prove herself!


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