
Sunday, 21 March 2010

I'm forever blowing bubbles...

... pretty bubbles in the air....

My day started really well and I was feeling very positive as I was snuggled up in bed with both my kids telling me You're the bestest mummy in the world. The kind of phrase that makes you feel loved and doing a good job! Unfortunately some of the usual problems soon reared there ugly head and I was scooping the poop off the laminate floor...

I really found it amusing watching my kids going hell for leather on the Wii Family Fitness Trainer game. They had no idea what they were doing but were very competitive! Unfortunately 3 year old did not like losing some of the matches and dissolved into tears so it was time to turn off the Wii. We switched to playing the Very Hungry Caterpillar game. Trying to stop the cheating was interesting but we all enjoyed it until the 3 year old lost! Luckily kids took themselves out in the garden at this point...

A friend then popped around to pick up a surplus PC and some old kids games. All part of Operation Downsize which seems to be going slowly! After lunch the lucky eBayer who bought the Happy Land set came to collect so that's more space and the kids have some more spending money. By this point O is bouncing off the sofa and has yet again presented me with a package in his pants...

So spotting that the sun had finally come out I suggested a trip to the park. It always amazes me how stressful it can be to get 2 small people out for a fun trip ... Any way despite O's attempt to run across a zebra crossing without looking we made it to the park. E had asked to bring the bubble kit down so I chilled out blowing bubbles for O to catch whilst E climbed around.

We just made it to the cafe as it was closing for the kids to have the obligatory ice cream and me a hot chocolate. Then we discovered that the park closes it's loos at 4 leaving E desperately trying to find enough cover for a sneaky pee! It was a lovely spring afternoon and the park was heaving so why do they shut the loos well before dusk?

We bumped into another mum from nursery and her lad so the boys played football whilst we gossiped. Then E & O managed to fall out as she pinched his ball. They were friends again within 2 minutes and O got upset if E didn't hold his hand - the joys of siblings!

I think the park must have made for a nice calm evening as we had a relaxed tea whilst watching Monsters Inc and then O went to bed like a dream. He even shock horror asked to get back on the loo to do a poo. Much hugs and congratulations over that. Then to top it all he managed to get his own PJs on which has been another battle ground. Story & kisses and he was off without protest...

Big girl time was nearly a disaster as we heard a worrying noise from dining room and discovered NIbbles had once again escaped from her cage! Luckily she had dropped off the table straight into a waste paper bin and was easily retrieved. She & E had a lovely time on the sofa until it was bed time. Another smooth bedtime for my big girl leaving me free to finish the chores.

I thought at one point today that it was the kind of day that might reduce me to tears. But the simple pleasures in the park of blowing bubbles seemed to resolve the problems between O & I. Not counting my chickens but here's hoping that 1) he decides that keeping mummy happy is his best option and 2) I can crack his toilet training...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fantastic day, and just how Sunday's should be!


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