
Friday, 12 February 2010

Sunshine on a Snowy Day

Wow my first blog award thanks to It's A Mummy's Life! First of all thank you very much and I will wear the badge with pride :-) I am really enjoying this blogging lark and just glad other people seem to be enjoying my mix of angst and comedy!

Now I just have to follow the rules and nominate 12 people to get the award back... hmm a tough one as lot's of fab blogs out there...

So here we go:

PS:  here are the rules for accepting this award.

•Put the Logo on your sidebar, or within a post. (or both like me!)
•Pass the award onto 12 Bloggers. (yes really 12)
•Link the nominees within your post.
•Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
•Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

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I love it when people leave a message