
Sunday, 10 January 2010

Mixed bag...

Probably not surprising that this wasn't the best day today after last night's high jinks...

Got confirmation over night that the soon to be ex is moving to Seattle with his new company. Need to look into REMO to ensure he can't escape from his responsibilities... Glad he is going so far away as no contact better than intermittent.

I managed to bribe kids out of bed in time to hike up hill to church. Gave me some much needed me time when they went off to creche/Sunday school. Also chance for grown up conversation afterwards...

Problems kicked in whilst I was trying to get lunch sorted. He spent lunch doing things like shoving milk cup around table and being sent to naughty step. Afterwards O very grotty and ended up being taken upstairs for a brief lie down. Managed to calm things down and then try to split kids up... Got O playing with Junior Scaletrix. E up in my room playing. Not sure if frustration factor or tiredness but game trodden on a few times so away it goes so I can do tea.

Tea was a bit of an experiment so probably not a good idea with cranky kids... Put it on table on got almost instantaneous bad reaction from E complaining about everything. She got sent to naughty step too whilst having major tantrum. I even rang my mum up it was driving me up the wall so much! O & I getting on with lunch and E raids the fridge and finds tuna & sweetcorn mix more to her satisfaction.

Post tea its calming bath time in hope for good bedtime... discovered a bite mark on O's bottom (he had complained earlier about being bitten). On asking E about it she said he did it himself!!! OK would love to know how she expected to get away with that one..

Got him to bed with no major problems apart from throwing his toothbrush in bath. E being good so gave her permission to come down and have hamster time. She did a pretty good job of cleaning cage and had cuddles. Seemed to be a smooth bed time until she kicked off about being put into bed...

Little message brought down by her "I am soree mum I hav been note". Quick kiss & cuddle and back she goes. Noises off and down she comes and gets sent back. She slams door and I hear scrabbling sounds but ignore them. A little while later I try to exit room and discover I am locked in! Luckily there is another way out of the room....

More noises and she is downstairs. Gets a telling off for door locking and denies it! Back she goes. Next thing I know O is downstairs having been woken by E's antics (by now its 21:45!). Cuddle carry him back to bed and discover no E. She has left it too late to get to the loo and is wandering back from bathroom sans pyjamas... Hopefully that's the end of tonight's antics...

Just hoping that some sort of routine can be got back once schools re-open. Fingers crossed for Tuesday...

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