
Friday, 16 January 2009

What a day!

It started off well with kids to school without tears and tantrums and me being only 5 minutes late! Work was OK if busy and I finalised all the details of my first Ready Steady Read (119 children!!). It just all went wrong when I tried to leave...

My car has been temperamental for a few days and once I'd reversed out of the parking space it refused to go into gear... phone call to Kwik Assist to arrange pick up. Back into school to warm up. Very nice man turns up in just over 30 mins with his yellow flashing lorry. Turns out my clutch is gone so car on lorry and back off to Hastings.

Kwik Fit don't do clutches but they know a garage that can so off up to Ridge West Garage. Leaving car, taking stuff, lift home in yellow lorry. Just have to wait until Monday to find out how much it will be to replace clutch and when I'll get it back.

Bit of work done for 2 hours then realise "how do I get kids without car?". 40 min power walk to nursery with pushchair and arrived in plenty of time (much to E's disappointment as she hadn't watched her DVD!). Walk up to child friendly pub. Kids play, I have pint and we all have dinner!! Friends who happen to be there lend us a spare car seat so daddy can squeeze us all into his car to get home.

Things get better when my mate Nina saves me from travelling up to London on my own with kids by train by volunteering to come down here instead! Bliss

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