
Friday, 9 January 2009

A mixed first week back...

Well the family all seem to have survived our first week back at work/school/nursery this week even if we are all tired and have nearly all picked up some injuries during it!! (O had head collision in soft play, E cut her toe & hit her head at school, I cut my finger). Glad I only do a 3 day week as not sure I could have coped with more and the kids are shattered and so played up nicely at bedtime.

I have started each of them on a reward chart to try and encourage good behaviour etc. So far they have a star each for being good at school. Hoping to discourage the bed hopping by offering stickers for children staying in their own beds until at least 6:30 - not sure how long it will take...

The decluttering is moving on with the computer chair gone and some big piles being picked up tomorrow. Need to keep everything flowing so that we get somewhere this time. We have agreed that anything eBay'd will go into a family fund for a treat for all of us. Makes it fair as a lot of it will be old toys the kids have been given that we may or may not have bought...

Placed another order for stock from Usborne and arranged a catalogue launch party for the end of the month. One of my schools are interested in the catalogue as they have some funds for books. Just need to get out there and be a bit more pushy... without alienating all my friends (or upsetting my boss!) and get a recruit or 2! Hopefully the sponsorship events at school will help and people have given me other ideas too.... 

I am pleased that my blogging seems to be improving and I have enjoyed reading the Blogs of Note and have added a couple to my following! Let's hope they inspire me to share my life on a regular basis with the www :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky, Thanks for visiting & leaving me a comment, & I see, adding me to your blog list.
    I am a little shattered by the sudden influx of commenters! I had no idea at first what was happening, then someone left me a congrats note.

    I am used to having my cosy little 'family' of about 15-20 commenters, so you can imagine my surprise. It is taking a lot of time to answer everyone.
    Good luck with yours, & I think the best tip is, be yourself!


I love it when people leave a message