
Monday, 1 December 2008


How did December sneak up on me this quickly? I thought I was quite organised but hadn't got the Advent Calender together for today... have to put it together to tonight when Kids are in bed. Also need to clear the front room and give it a good vacuum for Ian to put the tree up...

I am glad Suzanne has volunteered to help wrap up the presents for Santa's grotto as I have 100 to wrap and no time to do it!!! That will teach me to volunteer...

Think I need to put together a check list for my first school fair book stall on Saturday as I'm bound to forget something! I have got to construct my find the duck game and do some notices for it.

I also have to find time to do the elearning I need to do in lieu of time off work. I was too poorly to do it at the weekend. Think my life is too hectic at the moment.

We do need to start moving Ian's stuff to the spare room too to sort that out. I am going to get the kids to bed straight after In The Night Garden so that I can get started....

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