
Monday 25 January 2010

Fab at 40 challenge

Here's the thing in 2008 I followed the Lighter Life plan and lost over 5 stone and dropped from a size 18-20 to a very slim 12. Probably lost a bit too much in fact and allowed myself to put some back on but didn't stop and I am now a cuddly 14 and not too happy about it (not surprising with the year I've had!). I did a brief stint on Lighter Life Lite before Xmas but the stress of my divorce plus the cost stopped me after a couple of weeks (though 1.5 stone down!). Since then I have put some of this back on and the gorgeous purple dress I bought for New Year didn't do up...

So my challenge is to get into the dress for my 40th birthday in October. I am not going to weigh myself but just base how I am doing by how my clothes are fitting and how I feel.

The plan is to give up alcohol during the week, cut out the unhealthy snacks, make sure I eat my 5 a day, eat veggie at least once a week and get some exercise in.

Watch this space and help me to be at Fab at 40 this October!!


  1. Wow, well done on the weight loss. I lost a lot after my husband left but have put a lot of it back & chocolate are my dinner!! :0) It's so hard when you're stressed though isn't it. Good luck with it, I'm sure you'll do it with that goal!

  2. Good luck on your diet! But can I say, as a complete stranger just browsing by this evening (via twitter) that you don't need to. What you have shines through the eyes. Jim

  3. Thanks folks and Jim you made me blush!

  4. Good luck Becky. Hope the diet goes to plan. I hate dieting but so need to shift some weight. I am impressed you mnaged to keep most of the weight off after doing lighter life - how did you find the refeeding program? Mich x

  5. Michelle

    returning to food wasn't too bad but I completed programme at Xmas which wasn't good! need to get rest of it to stick...

  6. Hello! I hope that you do well too but my main reason for visting this evening is that I thought you might like to know that I tagged you in a Meme tonight over at my blog!


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