
Thursday, 24 November 2016

Reasons to be Cheerful: Kendal Mountain Festival, Getting Organised and Family

I will have to be more organised next week when Michelle hands the baton back to me as the host! She has done a lovely job this month. Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week:

1) Kendal Mountain Festival

Kendal has a well deserved reputation for its festivals and the Mountain one was fabulous to explore. I just wish I'd been able to see a few films:

2) Getting Organised

It may be a drop in the ocean but paperwork with no home was a big problem. So I bought myself a handy home filing system and I've begun to work on getting the paperwork under control:

3) Family Time

An unexpected invite out to dinner with my parents was the highlight of the week. Tapas at a local restaurant followed by games back at our house. It all made for a perfect Saturday evening:

4) Fabulous Views

The thing that makes up the long drive along the A590 is the view. At the moment I get to see snow covered mountains, Morecambe Bay, the Hoad monument and some fabulous sunrise/sunsets. To top it off the slag heap behind school did an impression of Uluru one morning this week:

Hope you have reasons to be cheerful of your own? If you do why not join in and share.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Reasons to be Cheerful: parkrun, Pokemon and roses #R2BC

So glad that Michelle is hosting again this month so we can all share the happy! Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week:

1) Back to Fell Foot parkrun:

It was far too long since we ran around the park. Such a fun and friendly parkrun even in the rain:

2) Remembrance Day

My school observed a super 2 minute whole school silence on the Friday and then on the Sunday I thought about my ancestors who served and fortunately survived the First World War like my grandfather:

3) Weekend stroll

Love my weekend walks with my children hunting Pokemon. This is my son chilling under the underpass whilst collecting from a Pokestop:

4) Still going

My neighbour's roses are still holding on:

What is making you smile this week?

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Reasons to be Cheerful: 10th birthday #R2BC

The lovely Michelle is hosting this week and she has super reasons to be cheerful so please pop over! Meanwhile here are mine:

1) Mummy power

My son chose Laser Quest for his 10th birthday. I was forced to join in as one his friends couldn't come along. We all had a lot of fun and I impressed his friends (and annoyed some teenage boys!) by winning our first match [thereby getting 3rd highest score of the day!]. I was then handicapped by being teamed up with the younger boys but still was in the top 3 each time.

2) Family fun

We all popped into town on Sunday and had a chilly but fun time in the park on the way back:

3) Fun teaching

As an NQT I lose a lot of the fun subjects to teach as I am out of class twice a week. This week due to swapping around I was able to have an afternoon learning about Diwali (including making lanterns) and a morning of history. Its definitely what keeps the enjoyment in the job:

4) Birthday Boy

Scary that my youngest turned 10 this week. Where has the last decade gone? So glad he is turning out to be a fine young man whose teacher says he is a pleasure to teach:

Looking forward to reading everyone else's posts!

Friday, 4 November 2016

Reasons to be Cheerful: Back to routine #R2BC

The lovely Michelle is hosting again this month as she enjoys reading all our happy posts, please pop over and see why she is cheerful this week. Meanwhile here are my reasons this week:

1) Simple fun

On the way home from town my son met a couple of friends in the park and kicked a football around with them for a bit before heading into the playground:

2) Happy Herdwick

How could this smile not be infectious: