
Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Feeling good!

My Usborne adventure is slightly less nerve wracking after speaking to my new team leader Hilary. She seems very friendly and helpful (not surprising if she needs me to do well for her to do well!). This will require quite a bit of upfront investment as I realise I needed a decent colour laser printer to get all the bumpf printed off... My first event is set for 22nd November so let's hope it goes well and that I can do some more quickly. Need to do sales of at least £100 in 3 months to not get the boot. I will have to summon up the nerve to ask schools if I can do events for them. There seems to be a lot of help to do this....

It was great not having to do a school run this afternoon. Jackie picked up my daughter for me. Makes for a longer afternoon to get things done. Still think I need to get my shopping delivered as that is taking a valuable chunk out of my day!

I have stuck to the LL RTM plan almost to the letter today so feel good on that score too. I am determined to get as many aspects of my life back on track as possible.....

Better not stay up so late on the PC though as I got woken up at 3, 5 and 5:30 by my family in rotation...

Monday, 10 November 2008

Starting off

Well I am about to start 2 extra jobs on top of my "real" one to help pay for the childcare for the first one!

I have signed up to sell Usbourne Books @ Home. I am hoping that I now have enough mum networks through school, nursery, swimming etc to shift enough books to make some money. Other people have done well out of it but let's hope the bubble hasn't burst with the credit crunch.... Apparently if you don't sell £100 worth in 12 weeks they refund you (minus any damaged stock). Watch this space for that one...

My daughter is looking forward to going back to her old school for after school club from Wednesday. I can't afford the cost but I needed something more reliable than the goodwill of other families who have their own issues to take care of. She is loving her school and they just had a really good Ofsted so that's smiles all round.

My little boy was 2 on Friday and his character is really starting to show. I just hope that he let's me get on with my new home working as today he was very clingy and kept asking me to turn off my computer! I will have to fine tune how long I spend working and how long I spend with him. It's a hard decision but for the next few years we will be teetering on the brink of bankruptcy so some sacrifices have to be made.

As for me personally I have got to get myself back on track with my weight maintaining. I have not gone to the effort of losing nearly 5 stone this summer to put it all back on. My LighterLife group are marvellous and I just need to get more support from other people closer to home. If you see me near the crisps/cakes/chocolate - please say "Becky no don't do it!"

Any way I had better call it a day and go to bed as I have to start my day at 6:30 and my DH will probably wake me up when he finally escapes from work. The poor man started work 13 hours ago and it's all gone pear shaped....

Night all and I hope to be better at keeping this blog up!